Directors of Graduate Education

DOGEs for Majors

You can click on the name of a program to see further information about its director(s) and staff.

Program DOGE Email
Accounting Brad Trinkle
Accounting Analytics Brad Trinkle
Aerospace Engineering Hui Hu
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Steve Freeman
Agricultural Economics Brent Kreider
Agricultural Economics Hongli Feng
Agricultural Education Nancy Grudens-Schuck
Agricultural Meteorology Brian Hornbuckle
Agronomy Mary Wiedenhoeft
Analytical Chemistry Yan Zhao
Analytical Chemistry Aaron Rossini
Animal Breeding and Genetics Nicholas Gabler
Animal Physiology Nicholas Gabler
Animal Science Nicholas Gabler
Anthropology Andrew Somerville
Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Ann-Marie Fiore
Applied Linguistics and Technology Bethany Gray
Applied Mathematics James Rossmanith
Applied Physics Charles Kerton
Architecture Merate Barakat
Artificial Intelligence Samik Basu
Astrophysics Charles Kerton
Athletic Training Mary Meier
Biochemistry Scott Nelson
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Matt Hufford
Biomedical Sciences Vlastik Bracha
Biophysics Scott Nelson
Business Administration Valentina Salotti
Business Analytics Lingyao Yuan
Business and Technology Mike Howard
Chemical Engineering Matt Panthani
Chemistry Aaron Rossini
Chemistry Young-Jin Lee
Civil Engineering Behrouz Shafei
Community and Regional Planning Biswa Das
Community Development Susan Bradbury
Computer Engineering Jaeyoun Kim
Computer Science Samik Basu
Condensed Matter Physics Charles Kerton
Creative Writing and Environment Bethany Gray
Crop Production and Physiology Fernando Miguez
Cyber Security Doug Jacobson
Diet and Exercise Peter Clark
Earth Science Elizabeth Swanner
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Amy Toth
Economics Brent Kreider
Education Rachel Smith
Electrical Engineering Jaeyoun Kim
Energy Systems Engineering Mark Mba-Wright
Engineering Management Gary Mirka
Engineering Mechanics Hui Hu
English Bethany Gray
Entomology Matt O'Neal
Entrepreneurship Brandon Mueller
Environmental Science Thomas Isenhart
Event Management Joan Su
Family and Consumer Sciences Jennifer Margrett
Finance Travis Sapp
Fisheries Biology Julie Blanchong
Food Safety and Defense Byron Brehm-Stecher
Food Science and Technology Joey Talbert
Forensic Sciences Andrew Somerville
Forestry Julie Blanchong
Genetics and Genomics Josh Selsby
Geology Elizabeth Swanner
Gerontology Jennifer Margrett
Graduate Studies Teaching Certificate Clark Coffman
Graphic Design Alex Braidwood
Healthcare Analytics and Operations Natallia Gray
High Energy Physics Charles Kerton
History Kathleen Hilliard
Horticulture Rajeev Arora
Hospitality Management SoJung Lee
Human Computer Interaction Stephen Gilbert
Human Development and Family Studies Tricia Neppl
Immunobiology Michael Cho
Industrial and Agricultural Technology Steve Freeman
Industrial Design Akshay Sharma
Industrial Design Grit Sadtler
Industrial Engineering Gary Mirka
Information Systems Rui Chen
Inorganic Chemistry Yan Zhao
Inorganic Chemistry Aaron Rossini
Integrated Visual Arts Emily Morgan
Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Bill Graves
Interior Design Diane Alshihabi
Journalism and Mass Communication Michael Dahlstrom
Kinesiology Jason Gillette
Landscape Architecture Heidi Hohmann
Materials Science and Engineering Ralph Napolitano
Mathematics James Rossmanith
Mathematics Education Ann Gansemer-Topf
Meat Science Nicholas Gabler
Mechanical Engineering Pranav Shrotriya
Meteorology Xiaoqing Wu
Microbiology Melha Mellata
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Mohan Gupta
Neuroscience Elizabeth Stegemoller
Nuclear Physics Charles Kerton
Nutritional Sciences Kevin Schalinske
Organic Chemistry Yan Zhao
Organic Chemistry Aaron Rossini
Physical Chemistry Yan Zhao
Physical Chemistry Aaron Rossini
Physics Charles Kerton
Plant Biology Marna Yandeau-Nelson
Plant Breeding Maria Salas-Fernandez
Plant Pathology Gary Munkvold
Political Science Mack Shelley
Population Sciences in Animal Health Daniel Linhares
Professional Agriculture Greg Miller
Professional Practice in Dietetics Mridul Datta
Psychology Chris Meissner
Real Estate Development Tyler Jensen
Rhetoric and Professional Communication Bethany Gray
Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication Bethany Gray
Rural Agricultural Technological and Environmental History Kathleen Hilliard
Rural Sociology Kyle Burgason
Secondary Education Ann Gansemer-Topf
Seed Technology and Business Gary Munkvold
Sociology Kyle Burgason
Soil Science Bradley Miller
Statistics Ulrike Genschel
Statistics Jarad Niemi
Sustainable Agriculture Marshall McDaniel
Sustainable Environments Rob Whitehead
Systems Engineering Gary Mirka
Teaching English as a Second Language/Applied Linguistics Bethany Gray
Toxicology Aileen Keating
Transportation Jing Dong
Urban Design Rob Whitehead
Veterinary Clinical Science Albert Jergens
Veterinary Microbiology Iddo Friedberg
Veterinary Pathology Todd Bell
Veterinary Preventive Medicine Daniel Linhares
Wildlife Ecology Julie Blanchong
Wind Energy Science, Engineering, and Policy John Jackman

DOGEs for Minors

You can click on the name of a program to see further information about its director(s) and staff.

Program DOGE Email
Applied Scientific Computing Paul Durbin
Criminal Justice Kyle Burgason
French Ruxandra Looft
German Ruxandra Looft
Latin Ruxandra Looft
Linguistics Bethany Gray
Philosophy Heimir Geirsson
Russian Ruxandra Looft
Spanish Ruxandra Looft
Speech Communication Bethany Gray
Technology and Social Change Arne Hallam
Women's and Gender Studies Kelly Winfrey