Academic Information

As faculty and staff, we have a responsibility to offer support, guidance, and resources to our students. The Graduate College provides important academic information on our webpage so that you can assist your students with questions about Graduate College funding, deadlines, policies, and procedures.

For Help With… Admissions Contact
  • Application requirements
  • Application review
  • Department/major program decision recommendation to the Graduate College
The Graduate Major Program

Find the contact phone number and email here: Program Pages
  • Application and admission and policies
  • Degree credential review/evaluation
  • Issues with application
  • Login access
  • Processing and workflow support
Office of Admissions
  • Enrollment management – recruitment and retention, recruitment resources
  • Funding initiatives (including all diversity funding)
  • Onboarding/Orientation
  • Preparing ISU undergraduates for graduate school
Graduate College
  • Non-degree admissions
  • Exchange graduate student admission
  • Undergraduate – graduate concurrent admission
Carmen Jones
For Help With… Registration Contact
  • GR ST courses
  • Registration holds
  • Withdrawals
  • Schedule changes with extenuating circumstances
Celina Turner
  • Add, drop, audit deadlines
  • Registration Access
  • Issues with Accessplus
  • Registrar policies
  • Schedule change forms
Office of the Registrar
For Help With… Assistantships Contact
  • Stipend and date-range requirements
  • Tuition scholarships
  • Period Activity Pay (PAP)
The Graduate Major Program. Please contact the graduate college using this email:
  • Requirements for registration while on an assistantship
Celina Turner
  • International teaching assistant’s Oral English Certification Test (OECT) requirement
Lily Compton
For Help With… Degree Programs & Requirements Contact
  • Changes to degree objective or major
Celina Turner
Melissa Stolt
  • Final Oral Examination
Lisa Elm
For Help With… Courses, Credits, & Grading Contact
  • 300/400-level courses on POSC
  • Academic Probation and Academic Standing
Celina Turner
  • Dual-listed courses
  • Course numbering (599, 699, 590, etc.)
  • Changes to Graduate Major Programs and Curriculum (e.g. thesis/non-thesis/coursework only options, areas of specialization, new or changed degree requirements, etc.)
  • Experimental course proposals
Natalie Robinson
For Help With… Program of Study and Committee (POSC) Contact
  • Requirements of the graduate major, minor, specialization, and/or degree
  • Routing and approvals
  • Common errors (example: course not found on schedule, catalog, transcript)
The Graduate Major Program. Find the contact phone number and email here: DOGE and Staff Support
* If problems persist contact: Celina Turner
  • Graduate College minimum credit requirements
  • Graduate College minimum committee requirements
  • Issues with system/form (example: form not routing properly)
  • Transfer credit evaluation
Celina Turner
  • Expired courses
  • Graduate faculty status
Natalie Robinson
For Help With… Finishing Up Contact
  • Application for Graduation
  • Coursework Only Final Check
  • Final Oral Examination requests and results
  • Graduation Certification Letters
Lisa Elm
  • Dissertation and thesis reviews
Lily Compton
Melissa Stolt
  • Creative Component
Melissa Stolt
  • Commencement ceremony
  • Diploma distribution
Office of the Registrar’s Graduation Office (
  • Certificate POS
  • Certificate completions
Celina Turner
For Help With… Opportunities & Services Contact
  • Thesis/dissertation
Center for Communication Excellence
  • Career planning
Graduate Careers
For Help With… Student Rights& Responsibilities Contact
Natalie Robinson
For Help With… Postdoctoral Appointments Contact
  • Appointment
  • Benefits
  • Awards programs
  • Performance management
  • Dismissal
  • Appeals and disputes