Workday Student
Many graduate processes for students and faculty have changed as we moved to Workday.
Academic Plan and Committee Reports (Faculty and Staff) - Faculty and staff can find where Academic Plan Committees and Academic Plans are in the approval process via these reports. Additionally, there is a report used to view the document submitted by students who complete an Internal Transfer of Courses form.
Add a Substitute Committee Member for an Oral Exam (Students) This how-to should be used when a permanent member of a student's committee is unable to attend an oral exam but will still be the student's permanent committee member for purposes of guiding the student through their degree, signing off on the thesis/dissertation, etc. Substitutes may be requested in emergency situations or well in advance of the exam if it is known that a member will not be able to attend an oral exam.
Assign an Advisor to a Graduate Academic Record (Faculty and Staff)
Find Members of a Student's Academic Plan Committee (Faculty and Staff)
Review and approve membership in an Academic Plan Committee (Faculty)
Submit Your Academic Plan Committee Membership (Students)
Update an Academic Plan Committee (Remove and Replace Members) (Students) Students should follow this how-to when they are removing an approved member from their committee and replacing them with someone new.
Update an Academic Plan Committee (Update Roles) (Students) Students will follow this how-to when changing an approved member from one role to another. For instance, someone may be a Graduate Committee Member but should be changed to a Major Professor instead.
View My Academic Program Support Network (Students)
View My Graduate Committee(s) (Students) Students will follow these steps in Workday to find their approved Academic Plan Committee.
View My Pending Academic Plan Committee or Academic Plan (Students)
Graduate Academic Progress Report and Academic Plan (Everyone)
View Academic Plan (Student)
Internal Transfer of Courses Request (Students) This request is necessary for students who have been in more than one program at Iowa State and want to move courses from one record to another (reassign) or use courses toward more than one degree (internal articulation). This form is relevant for students concurrently pursuing an undergraduate/vet med degree with a graduate degree or students in multiple graduate programs.
Petition to Use Expired Credits Toward a Graduate Degree (Students)
Review and Act on an Academic Plans. (Faculty and Staff)
Completing your Academic Plan (Students) (POSC Replacement). The Academic Plan is the list of courses a student has taken or plans to take to meet the requirements of their degree or graduate certificate. A plan should not be sent for approval until the minimum number of requirements for the degree/certificate are listed on the plan. Degree-seeking students should complete their academic plan soon after their Academic Plan Committee is approved. Certificate students do not complete an Academic Plan Committee.
Assign an Advisor to a Graduate Academic Record (Faculty and Staff)
Add External Transfer Credits to Your Graduate Academic Plan (Students)
View Your Pending Academic Plan Committee or Academic Plan (Students)
Find the Graduate Academic Progress Report and Academic Plan (Everyone)
Learn How To View the Academic Progress Report (Faculty and Staff)
How to look up student OECT education test scores (Faculty and Staff)
View Your Academic Program Support Network (Students)
Graduate Application Information (Everyone)
Changing Majors Cheat Sheet (Everyone)
Onboarding Requirements as a New Student (Everyone) Tasks to complete before attending class.
Graduate College Application Process (Faculty and Staff) Training Materials (VPN or on-campus internet connection required.)
Staff Workday Admissions Portal (Staff) How to request access and view tasks.
Matriculation (Faculty and Staff) The process of creating student academic records from student applicant records.
Delayed Application Fee (Staff) Selected programs.
Manage My Graduate Admissions Evaluations as a Committee Member (Faculty)
Manage My Graduate Admissions Evaluations as a Final Evaluator (Faculty)
Graduate Academic Awards (Faculty and Staff)
Learn how to submit Graduate College Academic Award nominations for the Teaching Excellence Award or Research Excellence Award. DOGEs and Graduate Support staff submit these nominations on behalf of their graduate programs.
Student Award Items ( Faculty and Staff)
Request Framework - New Student Award Item & Departmental Award External to OneApp
Request Graduate Faculty Nomination and Major Affiliation Update (Faculty and Staff)
Assign an Advisor to a Graduate Academic Record (Faculty and Staff)
View Your Academic Program Support Network (Students)
Add a Substitute Committee Member for an Oral Exam (Students) This how-to should be used when a permanent member of a student's committee is unable to attend an oral exam but will still be the student's permanent committee member for purposes of guiding the student through their degree, signing off on the thesis/dissertation, etc. Substitutes may be requested in emergency situations or well in advance of the exam if it is known that a member will not be able to attend an oral exam.
Learn How To Submit Results of an Oral Exam (Faculty)
Requesting a Graduate Oral Exam (Students)
Submit an Oral Exam Conditions Met Request (Faculty) Major professors will submit this request in Workday when their student has met conditions placed at an oral exam. The major professor will attest to the conditions being met no matter which member(s) of the committee placed to conditions.
Program of Study Changes (Faculty and Staff)
Changing Majors Cheat Sheet (Everyone)
Changing a Program of Study for a Student (Faculty and Staff) - Process coming January 2025
Apply for Graduate Advisory Program Completion (Faculty and Staff)
Apply for Program Completion (Everyone) Students will follow this process to apply for graduation.
Coursework Only Final Check (Students) This form is required of all students in coursework-only master’s degrees before they can be cleared for graduation. Students in master’s programs requiring a thesis or creative component do not submit this form, nor do doctoral students.
Graduate Student Approval Form (Students) This form should be submitted after the final oral exam is passed and the dissertation/thesis/creative component is ready to submit.
Request Graduation Certification Letter (Student) These letters are prepared by the Graduate College and the Office of the Registrar and are made available to assist students who missed the deadline to graduate for a specific term but who need to verify that their degree requirements are met or will be met before they can receive their diploma. The letter is issued by the Office of the Registrar and states that the student is almost done with their degree or has met all degree requirements. These letters are meant to assure prospective employers or others that a student will be issued a diploma at the next available opportunity.
Academics Dashboard Navigation (Everyone)
Academic Profile Navigation (Everyone)
Assign an Advisor to a Graduate Academic Record (Faculty and Staff)
Changing Majors Cheat Sheet (Everyone)
Find and Maintain Student Documents (Everyone)
Graduate Program of Study Changes (Faculty and Staff)
Registration Appointment (Everyone) Learn how to view your registration appointment in Workday.
Registration Overview for Students (Everyone)
Removal of Graduate College Account Holds (Everyone)
Saved Schedules (Everyone) Learn how to create and view a saved schedule in Workday and register for the courses.