Programs List

While our website has a general listing of available graduate programs, this list presents the programs as they appear in Workday and includes all program foci as approved by the University.

Graduate Time to Degree

The following information is provided by the Graduate College for your general use.

If you have any questions or corrections, please contact our Data Analyst Jamie Williams

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Program Details

Individual Programs can be selected for additional details.

On our each of our program pages you may find the following information about the time to degree. This is how we calculated this information.

Doctoral Time-to-degree

  • Start date = first day of month beginning the first semester in doctoral status
  • End date = first day of the final month of the semester during which all degree requirements were met
  • Days elapsed between start and end dates divided by 365 = time-to-degree (fraction of a year)
  • No distinctions based on prior master’s degree, leaves away from program

Master's Time-to-degree

  • Start date = first day of month beginning the first semester registered as a student pursuing the degree that ultimately was conferred
  • End date = first day of the final month of the semester when degree requirements were met as a student pursuing the degree that ultimately was conferred
  • Days elapsed between start and end dates divided by 365 = time-to-degree (fraction of a year)
  • No distinctions based on type of master’s degree, full/part-time status, distance status, or leaves away from program