
Iowa State University has part-time job opportunities across campus. Off-campus employment is also available. Job listings are available on the Job Board through AccessPlus.

On-Campus Work

Once enrolled at Iowa State, you are eligible to apply for hourly positions through the Student Employment Center. These jobs are open to all ISU students who meet the requirements shown on the job vacancy listings which are posted on the Online Job Board. By checking with your program and professors, you may find an opening in your field that is not listed with the general vacancies. This possibility applies particularly to research areas, computer services, and other jobs that require specialized education, training, or work experience. All hourly employment of graduate students requires prior approval of the Graduate College. Policies about hourly employment and maximum allowable employment can be found at secure.grad-college.iastate.edu/hr/hourly-hire/.

Off-Campus Work

The Online Job Board also lists off-campus positions from employers in Ames and surrounding communities. Employers in Ames and surrounding communities advertise for such jobs as light yard work, housework, food service, cashier and sales clerk positions, bookkeeping, child care, and farm help.